mercoledì 21 ottobre 2015

No footing find

"In the Kevaddha Sutta, the Buddha raises the question:

- Where do earth, water, fire and air no footing find? 
Where are long and short, small and great, fair and foul - 
Where are ‘name and form’ wholly destroyed? 

And the answer is:

- Where consciousness is signless, boundless, all-luminous, 
That’s where earth, water,  fire, and air find no footing, 
There both long and short, small and great, fair and foul - 
There ‘name and form’ are wholly destroyed. 
With the cessation of consciousness this is all destroyed.

(da "What Happens to an Arahant at Death?" A Dialogue between Bhikkhu Bodhi and B. Alan Wallace )

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